There are many free plugins available for WordPress , and the “best” one will depend on the specific needs of your website. However, here are some popular and highly-rated free plugins that you may find useful:

  1. Yoast SEO: A comprehensive SEO plugin that helps you optimize your website for search engines, including on-page optimization, XML sitemaps, and meta tags.
  2. Jetpack: A multifunctional plugin that offers features like site stats, contact forms, social sharing, and security monitoring.
  3. Contact Form 7: A popular plugin for creating and managing contact forms on your website.
  4. WPForms Lite: A beginner-friendly drag-and-drop form builder that allows you to create custom forms, surveys, and polls.
  5. Smush: A plugin that optimizes images on your website by compressing them without affecting their quality, which can improve page load times.
  6. WP Super Cache: A caching plugin that improves website performance by caching pages and posts as static HTML files.
  7. UpdraftPlus: A backup and restore plugin that allows you to backup your website data and restore it easily in case of a disaster.
  8. Elementor: A page builder plugin that allows you to create custom pages and layouts using a drag-and-drop interface, with a wide variety of pre-built templates and widgets.
  9. WooCommerce: A plugin that enables you to set up an online store on your WordPress website, with features such as product listings, shopping cart, and payment gateways.
  10. Advanced Custom Fields: A plugin that allows you to create custom fields and meta boxes for your WordPress posts and pages, making it easy to add and display custom data.
  11. Broken Link Checker: A plugin that checks your website for broken links and missing images, and alerts you so you can fix them before they impact your SEO.
  12. W3 Total Cache: A caching plugin that improves website performance by optimizing page speed, reducing server load, and improving overall user experience.
  13. Login Lockdown: A security plugin that limits the number of login attempts to your website, helping to prevent brute force attacks.
  14. Redirection: A plugin that allows you to manage 301 redirects and track 404 errors, making it easy to redirect users to the correct pages and improve your website’s SEO.
  15. WP-Optimize: A plugin that optimizes your database and removes unnecessary data, such as spam comments and revisions, which can improve your website’s speed and performance.
  16. Akismet Anti-Spam: A plugin that automatically detects and filters out spam comments and trackbacks, helping to keep your website free of spam.
  17. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: A plugin that allows you to easily track website traffic and visitor behavior using Google Analytics, with real-time stats and analytics reports.
  18. Disable Comments: A plugin that allows you to easily disable comments on your WordPress site, either globally or on individual posts and pages.
  19. All-in-One WP Migration: A plugin that allows you to easily migrate your WordPress site to a new host or domain, with support for unlimited backup and restore.
  20. Really Simple SSL: A plugin that automatically detects and configures your website to use SSL encryption, helping to improve website security and SEO.
  21. Easy Google Fonts: A plugin that allows you to easily add custom Google Fonts to your website, with support for over 600 font families.
  22. WP Mail SMTP: A plugin that allows you to easily configure and send emails from your WordPress website using an SMTP server, helping to improve email deliverability and prevent spam.

These plugins can help you to enhance your WordPress website’s functionality, performance, and security. Always review the plugin’s documentation and user reviews to ensure that it meets your needs and is compatible with your WordPress version.


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